Lehigh Valley, PA- William Brown and Lindsay Watson, owners of FIA NYC Recruitment Firm were featured in Lehigh Valley Rising’s Ep 6- Black Owned Businesses on PBS 39.
Image grabbed from Lehigh Valley Rising
Hosted by Valerie Bittner, the show highlighted FIA NYC’s unique approach in redefining recruitment services by prioritizing DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) when it comes to attracting top talents in Lehigh Valley and keeping them there.
Image grabbed from Lehigh Valley Rising
“We work with companies to identify top talents, to retain top talents and we also help them from the C levels perspective especially to dive into what changes need to be made in the culture of the business in order for top, amazing wonderful diverse talent to be hired and to stay.” says Lindsay Watson, co founder and Vice President.
Image grabbed from Lehigh Valley Rising
FIA NYC is the only black owned recruiting firm in the Lehigh Valley that is proudly a 100% minority-owned business (MBE). Founded in 2012, FIA NYC wants to maintain its goal to bring forth quality staffing services to all clients in the United States.
“We started out as just a staffing agency. After the George Floyd incident, there became a big cry and a call for diverse staffing. We then began to turn ourselves in that direction.” William Brown, President and co-founder added.
Image grabbed from Lehigh Valley Rising
Lehigh Valley Rising is exclusively streamed on PBS 39 every third Thursday of the month.